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Pretty nice game first try I got to 418,299 score, its pretty hard to keep ball in the though

I'm happy for you that you now have this as a working game! Android games are especially rare, which is a shame because that's how I usually use internet.

I agree that the shaking effect is too intense right now. Also, I wouldn't be able to tell you which sound effect it was, but one of the victory beeping effects was really too loud. That should be easy to fix.

I'm not into gassiness, myself, so I didn't stick around very long enough to give as much positive feedback as I would like to. But do keep improving it!


is there a way to turn off the audio for the farts?


I think more comprehensive audio settings would be very good for this game.


The screen shake kills any ability to see and track the ball and the paddles move like half-frozen molasses.



  1. Having the full color combo running interrupts your gas counters, since she can't burp or fart while the bonus is going on.
  2. I, uh, don't know what the full combo even does. If it's a score multiplier, it needs buffed.
  3. IMO 1 million is a bit too high for being a pinball game, where success is 2/3-RNG, 1/3-skill. Adding a bump/tilt mechanic could help for people who know how to use it.
  4. The paddles/flippers don't have that kind of "snap" when they come out, they move like they're in slow motion.
  5. Really that screen shake effect should ONLY happen when the ball is somewhere safe, it's not cool to have the screen violently shaking itself to death when the ball's heading straight down, lost a ball to that. IMO I kinda think that the burp/fart mechanic could be a "cash in" mechanic, two meters that you can fill that you "release" if the ball goes into certain holes on the board. No gas? The gas counters don't go up, ball releases. Store the meter full? HUGE blast, tally goes up by five, score gets a nice boost, screen shakes wildly, ball releases.

It surprised me a little bit that Lisa's Bump Pinball did not have a bump mechanic.

Could be represented in the art via her baby kicking in the direction too.


The screen shake is a little intense, couldn't actually see the ball sometimes